Tuesday, March 31, 2009


arghh, today is stressed out as usual. only going to post about after school activities, today quite slack for school. anyway, after sku, did some fitness pt. sian, my patrol sec ones are too slack, wth la, other patrol sec ones all more zai than them, i ask then train pt at home themselves they juz ignore. sian....then we did basha wif the seemingly sadist terence (pigeon pl), haha. kidding la, but when last year i sec one he much kinder. but i can say i become more sadist too. sian, the sec ones are so friggin SHET, they dont even know how to da basha well then say they can tie, WTH. no common sense too, idk wat to to do. so stressed out by the standard of my sec ones. they tie oso no need tuck in fray end, still wrap wtf. dont even know how to tie proper BASIC knots. ok, i know im part to blame. but they have no motivation to strive. nvm, dont want elaborate bout tat. anyway, due to our screwed attempts, we did a considerable amount of pt, but to me it isnt super hiong, cos the sec ones so slow, so the speed oso slow down. did circuit and pump like 50. see, the thing bout scouts is that its not super hiong for physical, but oso dam mentally hiong. u see this years J2 ventures, their pt and their overall standard is dam garang. nvm, non scouts dont understand the concept of venture "supervising" scouts.

wah sian, sorry my paragraphing sucks, after basha can go home. then talked to sec ones bout some thingy and light pt, then went to bubbletea wif a heck lot of scouts, i think scouts is teh only cca where u stay back for seemingly nothing, haha. ironically that forms a invisible bond between all of us, dont want to show off my zai english haha jkjk. then went home wif benedict ted AGAIN, haha i did it for no reason, i think is the bond. talked a lot of issues, bout a lot of things and gossiping. now at home, sian. ok, i posted, and i can say i post dam frequently, maybe the most, haha. not tat difficult la, not like some muggers, hahaha. no mention of names arh.

Alex, lets continue suaning each other and randomly deciding not to suan each other and then suan each other AGAIN. Joshua, im sorry everyday got scouts, but i juz feel closer and closer to my cca and farther and farther from diff cca friends. 2-1 is quite bonded, but it can never reach the bond i have with the scouts. ok, i revealed it hahah, jk luhs.

"We aint gonna show mercy, to get to victory..."

A line from troop cheer.

Monday, March 30, 2009


woohoo, go gurkhas! this video dam funny, the part at 1.00 to 1.40 is the most inspiring part.

Stressed out.

:D, :C. yesterday my dads bday, haha. in the morning, went to tuition. then my whole family went to some super exclusive restaurant at Capitol Tower, only corporate members can go. the building inside got GIC, where all of the 500 billion worth of reserves are. the restaurant which is The China Club is at 52 or 53 floor, forgotten. haha, the food there ok luh, but i feel like a spoilt brat there. cos the food there is friggin ex. but my dad got 88 dollars cos his bday the restaurant give him de, so not bad anway. teh rest of the day not much to elaborate, cut hair, the hair on top btw,haha.

Today, average day. sian, so much homework nvr do. wth la, how does matthew cope so well? got competition and still done so much hw. me and joshua more like on the same boat, as for alex and darren, they already sunk la, hahaha jk. today raise flag, ,my flag so slow, but still acceptable. keefe and junxiang still the best raisers, zai lorh. then average day, joshua left the back division of the class, wonder how gordon and joshua will mix. lol, joshua relax. i wont insult you de. recess. SL, chiong hist then boring IT then boring and annoying and biased hist, then maths, extended like shit. then bball, wif JAD and jordan and ao shen and qing yan. quite fun lol, then after that i went library wait for terence give him jb week card and cash, he say tmrrw, then went to fitness corner train, still see dolphin doing basha, and a few scouts playing soccer, then i train pull ups a bit, then joined dolphin for slack circuit, then played and trained a lil, then played bball, dam bo liao, all the sec three dam cheater luh. basically a heck lot of fouls and travels, but no one cares. cos we use some guai lan ball. we juz randomly play, then went buy drink, then went den slack, then zao home. dam comprehensive sia.

now, feeling stressed out by homework. joshua, u see its not difficult to post as often as me. hahahah, muggers will always be muggers. not referring to anyone in particular arh. its juz a random phrase. i truly respect does ppl who are dam pai kia and slack and still get great results.

Slaps, stop dreaming now, i chionging hw now.

"static arm strength fanatic." :D

Saturday, March 28, 2009


great. im back from school. today, asked sec ones do pt at fitness corner. then let them run 2.4. their timing is 18 mins, ok luhs. i last year dam fat, but i think at march last year i can hit 14 mins le. sigh.... anyway, i ran 1.6, saw n air peeps, namely alex kai jiun muthu hongsong zachus, haha nice drills. and aeromodelling. a lil bit cool. haha.

then knots, my sec ones ok ba, at least not much major mistakes. then all of a sudden, when i going QM, saw matthew he say he need saw. let the bamboo god help him saw, lol cca alliance. then basha, do with rhino, apls IC. pressuring luh, all the sec ones no sense of urgency, blur, no strength, no initiative. rhino sec ones better than pigeons one, in my opinion. must train them into lean mean fighting machines. hahahah, sadist terminology. first basha, screwed. second one, no better. third one not bad, juz that the sec ones nvr tension together, grrr. anyway, y am i saying this, nt many of my viewers noe what im exactly talking bout.. haha

then all of a sudden, joshua shouted my name dam loudly, woah woah. scary sia haha. then put back the equipment, untie the flagpole, then went bubble tea wif benedict ted. haha saw alex halfway, he decided to go wif us. lol dam funny, cos benedict dont know alex well, so.....dont want to elaborate, difficult to explain..... bought big gulp, drink a bit throw away. stupid 7-11. took bus back with benedict, then walk home from there, effectively dao-ing alex. sorry, haha. i have an uncanny tendency to follow scouts home, like keefe i accompany to yishun, jun xiang to woodlands, benedict to braddell....... I guess the bond is there.

in my opinion, scouts is the most humble cca, like no one act cool one. maybe ankle socks only, but no one wants unnecessary attention. guess is becos of the law and promise. and screwing. btw, Rhino-Pigeon ftw. :D

ok, my first comprehensive post. dam tired now, must train pull ups. alex, jy haha. earth hour today, go gaia!

Shit happens.

Gud Morning.

Sian, juz woke up. going to teach my patrol sec ones later how to tie basha. haha screw the sec ones la, they r so friggin spoilt. too bad i cannot "torture" them cos their parents dam sensisitve. knock it down 20 they complain already. ah well.

Btw, parental controls is getting on my nerves. cannot view this cannot view that.then one day suddenly can view the page, grrrrr. stupid bill gates, y not give me one million dollars, so rich. so, sorry 2-1 bloggers, my parental controls are srsly random.

This week the homework is indeed reasonable, scoring a 6/10 for the lian hao scale offically by the AHSO. [anti homework spamming organisation]. i hope lian hao will feel honoured, as he is indeed a admirable slacker. hahaha i noe this is random, but its funny. well at least to me.

Another observation i made. if i mention a name in a post, he or she will feel more like happy or known, as evident in well juz about everyones blog. when i see my name in a post, i feel like im recognised. haha but im not going to write anyones name, cos if i write someone name and dont write ur name, u will feel left out.

but in memory of the current taggers for my blog as of now, i shall inscribe their names.


the three musketeers and wif me the fantastic four. wif another silent guy it would be five for fighting or maroon five or click five.

OK. tats enuff im dam random today, sorry, but its fun. hahahahhah.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Plato. [not the dog nor the planet, juz some wise guy. maybe it isnt a guy, idk haha]

Friday, March 27, 2009

Scout standard!

YES!!!! I am getting closer to Chief Commsioner Award! Today, ran 2.4 with gary, benedict, jeremy, teng jie,jason and me, i know it sounds easy but must run below 12 mins. always tried running together with troop, but then when running always hot sun so dam tiring. this time ran in the evening at around 7. got 11.26, not very zai like darren haha. but u noe im a fatass. so... haha other then that, passed exploration, first aid, knots, bla bla bla. but the highlight was running.

Feeling dam shiok after running, but tired and shack. its a friday, relax everyone. Not going to elaborate bout the sku day today. but pe was retarded, pass some balls around, zzzzzzzzzzzzz. not tat i act pro, but its retarded if u think bout it. looking forward to next lesson, shooting hahaha. Julian yao can do one hand three claps, wrist standard, two hand two clap, commando pull up. pro sia, nowadays julian not tat irritating, if u noe him well, hes dam funny and cool. ok maybe not cool. but definitely admirable.

President Scout here I come!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Everyday is exactly the same.

everyday so much homework. zzzzzz

yea, today finished bicultural project, bryan chongs group dam funny, didnt noe bryan can act so well.

tmrrw bball, only thing i look forward to. sian, juz came back from detention, luckily its my last time.

hmmm.... my posts are kinda short, not comprehensive enuff like alex one.

todays flag was screwed, jun xiang stalled there like shit, screw jason too. tmrrw maybe raise flag, try my best, :D

Shit happens.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Arm strength fanatic.

lmao, wonder why the americans voted him TWICE. retarded, he doesnt even know his mother tongue well.

hmm....singaporeans oso liddat, quite disgraceful actually.

anyway. today matang went to my house, watched a basketball movie. dang emo....

stupid, so much homework. and i am the only viewer for this blog so far. discouraged sia.....

and i dont see y some ppl take so long to post, i post everyday oso no problem. haha no offence.

Jerome, I will be like you next time. Cheerios.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hurt, Genuinely

Gosh..... this song is so dang deep and emo. Its about suicide ultimately. The chorus drives me nuts, makes me feel like breaking down everytime i hear it.


i will not let all of you down......

anyway, a lot of hw nowadays, dam sian.
and no one is viewing my blog, hahaha.
looks like im the true silent valley.

dont know why nowadays dam slack.
2-1 going to crumble in three terms time.
must make and effort to generate good times.....

btw, dam scared get dengue fever, i got bitten my aedes moquito, shet shet shet.

ah well.

Shit happens

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March holidays ending.

ok, march home based learning is ending. euphemism for march holidays i guess. sian, this whole week got cca, except sunday. worse than sports cca. and hiong like shit. hike pump run hike pump run....... yet it trains me up. ah well, life's little contradictions. frick, im screwed for homework. well,

Shit happens.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


ok, started on a blog. help me find a nice skin someone. no pics on this blog, disclaimer first. must continue house training.

Shit happens.