Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

my triceps are dam sore now. generally the whole body is exhausted. to re enact a stimulation, try doing 250 push ups straight than run 8 rounds round the track. sian, training is tough. no doubt. why did i choose this lifestyle?? i can juz join ANY other cca and slack. nvm.....lets see who gets the most out of their cca after 4 yrs. i know its going to be worth it, all these sacrifices i make that the majority does not.

nowadays, idk y but the original friends i had during sec 1 are drifting now no one cares about each other much now. nvm, friendship other than through scouts is not on my mind now, especially in 2-1.

Happy New Year.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


the post below is juz a draft of a my philosophy XD. half of it is crap, half of it aint a joke.


Life is filled with ironies. Filled with ecstasy, pain and a myriad of other emotions. O' we try to be what we wish to be....but we juz cant seem to break through and stand out. change is among us...but have i changed for the better or for the worst? think bout many times temporary confidence or happiness crumbles into shit when u realised u achieved nothing special. and it hurts more when u have the potential to get a life, but invisible temptations lurk around trying to lead me astray. aye, how many times must i put up wif ppl who dont dig me, who i dont like. i dont hate anyone, but ppl hate me. fuck, how many times must i endure the things tat i dont like, when ppl dont give a shit.

im gonna change. hell yeah.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ups and downs.

celtics lost, lakers won. wth....both celtics and lakers were in game 7, celtics lost but lakers won. nvm.....doesnt mean losing a championship means that we are the noobs...but nvm. man u won lol....idk wat to say. i think i temp stop watching nba....need watch euro bball and other country one. NBA is too commercialised. so..went LAN today, was quite fun and cheap. i like css, will own next time. juz need some practice. sorry u got heats missed out on LAN.


Saturday, May 16, 2009


today is fun... met at sku at 8. whole troop took bus to mac ritchie at different checkpts...did wif eagle too bad gary didnt come...if only our batch bigger. hais. wolf dam zai, three ppl oni wif mao and they still won wth...yaskar yaskar yaskar! lol the fun part is JUNGLE BASH! lols we juz spamemed through the forests srsly. out of the trail. into the jungle. all of u went to nature reserve rite, we went INTO the forest. urghh it sucks k, all the jungle stuff. millions of insects, thousands of trees. anway no choice the checkpoint is in the forest. but its cool srsly, going up and down creating our trails in the forest. we hike a lot too, but mostly on the trail. cos well the trail is the shortest path from place to place. omgosh dam tiring esp at 12 plus plus, SO HUMID. not hot, but wet AND hot. zi jian walk so fast, had a hard time catching up. brought prawn crackers and the biscuits of everlasting life(quoted by julian anthony). was fun, really like some commando, eating some weird foodies in the raw jungle. a lot of funny stuff, but i dont want post. most of the viewers dont noe wat the shet im talking anway.

after the orieentering, announced results, zz we didnt won duh. then hike back to mac ritchie resevoir starting point. tiring, but not hiong. then dismissed. bought some drinks and bused home. bought new paper, i think man u will win. and celtics.

psps alex sorry for today bout project lol.


Thursday, May 14, 2009



Friday, May 8, 2009

Floating in false delirium and emptiness. HEELium?

now exams are over, this time exams over dont have tt ecstasy i usually get. i think is cos this time i slack a lot, so I dont have tat sense of satisfaction. today played bball wif ted and xueying at pri sku court wif daniel lol. exercise is gud for health hehe, benedict is not bad too. hes getiing cuter and cuter, hmm. i played halfway got cramps, dam dam pain. lol idk wat brought them on, but it was pain like shit. rather pluck out teeth than go thro tat exp, as if my muscle was tearing. urgh.

didnt play LAN, dont know why but my instinct told me to go to the den after sku instead of sniffing for gordon, LOL. sian, tmrrw is going to be a sian day, HOW TO CELEBRATE? wif no money, unchanged freedom. sleep? dang, cant wait for batch PT, woohoo.

ok, to joshua, tho on my bday I subsidised u to some KFC or Macs meal,

happy bday to u times three,
happy bday to u!

(psps, i dont want to clog up the servers, so the bday song is shortened. short and sweet)

Hasta La Vista.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


this vid rocks, pls view it.

ζˆ‘ζ„›δΈ­εœ‹, not trying to be racist here.


chinese is so friggin screwed for me,k? failure IS an option for chinese. hence, rest of the sub i will mug like shyt. grr. mugging aint a sin, but over emphasis on it is juz plain shitty. today was a boring day, haiz. tmrrw history, yea got at least 3/4 of the answers are given to us. later aft dinner shall continue mugging.

hope keefe doesnt hate me. bah, as if he even views this blog.

tag more peeps.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Puma, Adidas, Nike, Mizuno, New Balance, Reebok. Tag ur favourite sports brand on teh tagboard,

today LE was okok, not so hard but unwise to say its easy. dang, tmrrw cbinese, i suck at it. tmrrw i shall be running 1.6, try to get below 7 mins. first step to getting below 10mins for 2.4. i know a lot of ppl nerds want to get gud results, truth is u dont need to mug like shit to get gud results, and i cannot look up to those noobs who are so scared of getting poor results. wtf la academic is not ur health and food. as long as it doesnt concern my survival, I DONT GIVE A SHIT.

however, i must say we cannot neglect studies, but not over emphasise.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Celtics own bulls.

celtics won bulls, yo ho ho. too bad i think celtics is exhausted by the 4-3 run , see first lorh.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Revived! At the wrong time i suppose.

eh guys....patrol camp is over kk? LOL. for those laggers out tthere haha. recently had a lot of events, cannot describe all of them. went gym and r and j crap play. Lan was fun esp wif gordon, scared of gunshot sia haha.

MR is coming, wtf? at the beginning of this year mid yr exams were the last thing on my mind, wait maybe its EOY, who cares.

really addicted to running, and drinking tea. going to study wif brendan soon, tats all for this post.
