Tuesday, March 31, 2009


arghh, today is stressed out as usual. only going to post about after school activities, today quite slack for school. anyway, after sku, did some fitness pt. sian, my patrol sec ones are too slack, wth la, other patrol sec ones all more zai than them, i ask then train pt at home themselves they juz ignore. sian....then we did basha wif the seemingly sadist terence (pigeon pl), haha. kidding la, but when last year i sec one he much kinder. but i can say i become more sadist too. sian, the sec ones are so friggin SHET, they dont even know how to da basha well then say they can tie, WTH. no common sense too, idk wat to to do. so stressed out by the standard of my sec ones. they tie oso no need tuck in fray end, still wrap wtf. dont even know how to tie proper BASIC knots. ok, i know im part to blame. but they have no motivation to strive. nvm, dont want elaborate bout tat. anyway, due to our screwed attempts, we did a considerable amount of pt, but to me it isnt super hiong, cos the sec ones so slow, so the speed oso slow down. did circuit and pump like 50. see, the thing bout scouts is that its not super hiong for physical, but oso dam mentally hiong. u see this years J2 ventures, their pt and their overall standard is dam garang. nvm, non scouts dont understand the concept of venture "supervising" scouts.

wah sian, sorry my paragraphing sucks, after basha can go home. then talked to sec ones bout some thingy and light pt, then went to bubbletea wif a heck lot of scouts, i think scouts is teh only cca where u stay back for seemingly nothing, haha. ironically that forms a invisible bond between all of us, dont want to show off my zai english haha jkjk. then went home wif benedict ted AGAIN, haha i did it for no reason, i think is the bond. talked a lot of issues, bout a lot of things and gossiping. now at home, sian. ok, i posted, and i can say i post dam frequently, maybe the most, haha. not tat difficult la, not like some muggers, hahaha. no mention of names arh.

Alex, lets continue suaning each other and randomly deciding not to suan each other and then suan each other AGAIN. Joshua, im sorry everyday got scouts, but i juz feel closer and closer to my cca and farther and farther from diff cca friends. 2-1 is quite bonded, but it can never reach the bond i have with the scouts. ok, i revealed it hahah, jk luhs.

"We aint gonna show mercy, to get to victory..."

A line from troop cheer.