Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gud Morning.

Sian, juz woke up. going to teach my patrol sec ones later how to tie basha. haha screw the sec ones la, they r so friggin spoilt. too bad i cannot "torture" them cos their parents dam sensisitve. knock it down 20 they complain already. ah well.

Btw, parental controls is getting on my nerves. cannot view this cannot view that.then one day suddenly can view the page, grrrrr. stupid bill gates, y not give me one million dollars, so rich. so, sorry 2-1 bloggers, my parental controls are srsly random.

This week the homework is indeed reasonable, scoring a 6/10 for the lian hao scale offically by the AHSO. [anti homework spamming organisation]. i hope lian hao will feel honoured, as he is indeed a admirable slacker. hahaha i noe this is random, but its funny. well at least to me.

Another observation i made. if i mention a name in a post, he or she will feel more like happy or known, as evident in well juz about everyones blog. when i see my name in a post, i feel like im recognised. haha but im not going to write anyones name, cos if i write someone name and dont write ur name, u will feel left out.

but in memory of the current taggers for my blog as of now, i shall inscribe their names.


the three musketeers and wif me the fantastic four. wif another silent guy it would be five for fighting or maroon five or click five.

OK. tats enuff im dam random today, sorry, but its fun. hahahahhah.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Plato. [not the dog nor the planet, juz some wise guy. maybe it isnt a guy, idk haha]